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User Name
Mail Id
My Profie -- Logo
My Profie -- Logo User Name
My Profie -- Logo Client Name
My Profie -- Logo Name
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Manage Lead
Manage Aplicant
Dashboard Key Matrics -- Dropdown & proper counts as per our server
Admission -- Proper count as per our data in our applicants report
Admissions --Total Registration, Paid, Form In Progress, Provisional, Submitted -- When click it will redirect to the Manage applicants List
Lead Staus -- Hot, New, Positive -- Proper count as per our data in our CRM
Lead Stage -- Tiles proper Count
While click on Lead stage's tiles it will redirect to the leads
Follow up Details -- Proper count and while click it will rediret to the leads
Manage Leads Total Leads -- Count
Search -- Name, Email, Phone
Filter - Select Counsellor and counsellor wise lead
Filter - Stage wise filter
Filter - Lead Status
Filter - Last Call Status
Filter - Update From -- Update To
Filter - Created From -- Created To
Filter - Follow - up From -- Follow - up To
Filter - Lead source
Filter - Multiple field Filter
Create Lead
Lead Section Lead Name
Created date with time
Lead priority should show as High, Medium, or Low
State should show
Last Call Status should show
Lead Status Should show as Hot, New, Positve
Call Button -- while click on the call button it will redirect you to your mobile call
Email Button --while click on the email button it will redirect you to your email
sms -- while click on the sms button it will redirect you to your message
whats app Button-- while click on the whats app button it will redirect you to your whats app.And if the no. is not in Whats app then a pop up should show as Whats app no. not found
Lead profile Call Button -- while click on the call button it will redirect you to your mobile call
Email Button --while click on the email button it will redirect you to your email
sms -- while click on the sms button it will redirect you to your message
whats app Button-- while click on the whats app button it will redirect you to your whats app.And if the no. is not in Whats app then a pop up should show as Whats app no. not found
Lead Stage -- Lead stage will change proper
Timeline -- Timeine should come after every update and after call from App the call recording should shown in timeline
Generate Offine Payment -- Without mandatory fields then you cannot raise the offline payment.
Generate Offine Payment -- Upload Receipt -- While click on Upload Receipt it will take you to your mobile galary.
Generate Offline Payment -- If the form is not submitted then a pop up message should show as Form not yet submitted.
Copy payment link -- If the form is not submitted , and if you click on copy payment link then a pop up should shown as Payment link not available