Document Name: SREMV3_ Client Setup Document

Author- Puja Patar

Version- 1.1

Date- 19-08-2023

Manage Client

Setup Client

  • Client List

Client Setup

  • Edit/Create Client setup

Client Setup

Add all the relevant details and create a project like name, Email, Mobile, Logo and theme etc.


Build Workflow

  • Workflow List

Go to the Build Workflow, under the Workflow menu.

Client Setup

  • Create workflow

Client Setup

  • Definition

  • Design Workflow

  • Info

    Manage Form

    Manage Form Section

  • Edit and create Form section

    • Company
    • Section Name
    • Section Layout
    • Header Color
    • Body Color

      Manage Field

  • List of Fields Added

  • Edit/Create Field

    • Company
    • Field Name
    • Display Name
    • Display Type
    • Custom Class
    • Attribute For Options
    • Form Section Groups
    • Default Value
    • Display Hint/Help Text
    • Apply Validation Rules?
    • Rule Type
    • Operator
    • Value
    • Error Message

      Form Manager

  • Already developed form list

Client Setup

Note: Do not delete the Default form while creating a new form.

  • Edit/Create Form

Client Setup

  • Client
  • Form Title
  • Form Display Style
  • Summary Template
  • Intermediate Payment

Click the link below to create an application form.


After creating the application form you can preview the form by clicking on the Preview button.

Setup Payment Gateway

  • Configuration>>Setup Client>>List of payment Gateway

    Client Setup

  • Create/ Modify Payment configuration

Client Setup

  • Company

  • Payment Gateway Name

  • Title

  • Parent Merchant Id

  • Client Merchant Id

  • Merchant Key

  • Referenceid Prefix:

    1. CTPL_SREM_Year: If mention “Year” then it will take current year while generation the transaction ID
    2. CTPL_SREM_2023:If you mention any static value like 2023 or 2024 then the transaction ID will generate with static value.
  • Merchant Salt

  • Payment URL Type

  • Visible

  • Enter Test url

  • Commision Applied

  • Card Type

  • Charges Type

  • Charges

  • Visible

Manage Course

  • Configuration>>Manage Course>>List of program

    Client Setup

  • Add new Program and courses

Client Setup

  • Client Name

  • Course: Add Program name

  • Admission Allowed:If choose “No” then it will not display in landing page program list but it will display in CRM and Filters.

  • Program: Program should be “0” while adding new program

  • PAL Enabled

  • Active: If choose “No” then it will not display anywhere.

  • Add courses in Existing program

Client Setup

  • Company
  • Course Duration
  • Program
  • Faculty name
  • Course: Add new courses
  • Admission allowed: If choose “No” then it will not display in the landing page program list but it will display in CRM and Filters.
  • PAL Enabled
    • Course fee type: Choose PAL Fee structure year/semester wise
    • Active: If you choose “No” then it will not display anywhere.
    • Course Fees: Add course fees as per the Year wise or Semester wise
    • Fee Type:
    • Value:
    • Display Seq#:

Client Setup

Manage Program and Course

  • Configuration>>Manage Program and Courses>>Program With Form Configuration

Client Setup

  • Create/Edit for New program and courses

Client Setup

  • Company

  • Application open date

  • Application close date

  • Program Setup

    • Program Type: Select program
    • Program Level-1: Select Course
    • Program Level-2: Select All
  • Payment Setup

    • Select Default payment Gateway: Which will come in frontend payment page with Autoselect of gateway
    • Entrance exam applied?
    • Allowed multiple course and fee applicable
    • Will zero fee be accepted?
  • Fee Setup

  • Payment Type

  • Form setup and steps

    • Form
    • Payment preference

Manage Fees for Program and Course

  • Configuration>> Setup fee for program and courses >>Setup course fee

    Client Setup

  • Create/Modify Fee Setup

Client Setup

  • College
  • Payment Type
    • Payment Type
    • Title
    • Amount
    • Tax CGST%
    • Tax SGST%

      Attribute>> Notification Variable

  • Configuration>> Setup attributes >>Notification Variable

    Client Setup

Setup Notification

  • Configuration>> Setup Notification>>Manage Notification

    Client Setup

  • Create Notification

Client Setup

  • Company
  • Notification Name: It will come from Attribute>> Notification
  • Recipient To
  • Recipient CC
  • Subject
  • Template Name: This need to be added in code then it will come here in dropdown
  • Enable SMS
  • SMS Content: This must be Approved in DLT with Sender ID which is added in Attribute>> Notification Variable


  • Marketing>>Template Manager>>Template List(s)

Client Setup

  • Create/Edit Template

Client Setup

  • College

  • Template Name

  • Template Type: Choose template types like One pager, Header, Footer or Body.

  • Template Body

  • Enable

  • Marketing>> Manage Campaign

Client Setup

  • Create/Edit Campaigns: Need to fill up below sections
  • Campaign Definition
  • Template
  • Recipient
  • Schedule
  • Review and Submit

1.Campaign Definition

Client Setup

  • College
  • Campaign Name
  • Campaign Type:
  • Email Subject: When you choose Email as your campaign type, then this field will be visible.
  • Capture Analytics
  • Enabled

2. Template

Template: Here three types of template are there.

  • Select from the system

  • My Custom HTML

  • Build New

  • Select from the system

Client Setup

  • My Saved Template: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager


  • Select Header: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager
  • Select Body: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager
  • Select Footer: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager
  • My Custom HTML

You can upload a custom HTML Page here.

Client Setup

Note:All JS and CSS files and Javascript will be removed from the uploaded custom file.

Allowed file type:HTML

Max File Size: 2MB

  • Build New

Client Setup

Create a customised template here which will not save further in the template manager.

3. Recipient

Client Setup

  • Recipient Source: Registered User, Leads, Raw Leads - We can apply filters to filter the data and the output will display in the recipient list to use for marketing campaigns.

Email: We can add email manually to use for marketing campaigns.

SMS: We can add numbers manually to use for marketing campaigns.


  • Recipient population:This will be visible while choosing “Registered lead, Leads, Raw Leads” in the recipient source.

Client Setup

4. Schedule

Client Setup

  • Run Campaign: Send Now(Only Once), Schedule

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Repeat:-

    • No Repeat- Campaign will run once on start date at schedule time.
    • Daily-Campaign will run every day starting from the start date at given schedule time.
    • Weekly-Campaign will run from the start date at a given schedule time for a selected date.
    • Monthly- Campaign will run once in a month of a start date at a given schedule time.
  • Schedule Time

  • End Repeat

    • Never- Campaign will stop on End date.
    • On Campaign email Open by User- Campaign stop sending to user once email opened.

5. Review and Submit:Review the details before you submit.

Client Setup

  • Marketing>>Recipient list

Client Setup

MCAP Setup

  • CRM>>MCAP Setup

Client Setup

  • Create/ Modify Mcap setup

Client Setup

  • Mcap Title
  • Activity Key
  • Condition: It is a dependency field of activity key.
  • Lead Point
  • Counsellor Point
  • Apply on Mass activity
  • Callback Function Path: This function is used for future implementation.

    PAL Setup