Document Name: SREMV3_ Client Setup Document
Author- Puja Patar
Version- 1.1
Date- 19-08-2023
Manage Client
Setup Client
Add all the relevant details and create a project like name, Email, Mobile, Logo and theme etc.
Build Workflow
Go to the Build Workflow, under the Workflow menu.
Note: Do not delete the Default form while creating a new form.
- Client
- Form Title
- Form Display Style
- Summary Template
- Intermediate Payment
Click the link below to create an application form.
After creating the application form you can preview the form by clicking on the Preview button.
Setup Payment Gateway
Payment Gateway Name
Parent Merchant Id
Client Merchant Id
Merchant Key
Referenceid Prefix:
- CTPL_SREM_Year: If mention “Year” then it will take current year while generation the transaction ID
- CTPL_SREM_2023:If you mention any static value like 2023 or 2024 then the transaction ID will generate with static value.
Merchant Salt
Payment URL Type
Enter Test url
Commision Applied
Card Type
Charges Type
Manage Course
Client Name
Course: Add Program name
Admission Allowed:If choose “No” then it will not display in landing page program list but it will display in CRM and Filters.
Program: Program should be “0” while adding new program
PAL Enabled
Active: If choose “No” then it will not display anywhere.
Add courses in Existing program
- Company
- Course Duration
- Program
- Faculty name
- Course: Add new courses
- Admission allowed: If choose “No” then it will not display in the landing page program list but it will display in CRM and Filters.
- PAL Enabled
- Course fee type: Choose PAL Fee structure year/semester wise
- Active: If you choose “No” then it will not display anywhere.
- Course Fees: Add course fees as per the Year wise or Semester wise
- Fee Type:
- Value:
- Display Seq#:
Manage Program and Course
- Configuration>>Manage Program and Courses>>Program With Form Configuration
- Create/Edit for New program and courses
Application open date
Application close date
Program Setup
- Program Type: Select program
- Program Level-1: Select Course
- Program Level-2: Select All
Payment Setup
- Select Default payment Gateway: Which will come in frontend payment page with Autoselect of gateway
- Entrance exam applied?
- Allowed multiple course and fee applicable
- Will zero fee be accepted?
Fee Setup
Payment Type
Form setup and steps
Manage Fees for Program and Course
Configuration>> Setup fee for program and courses >>Setup course fee
Create/Modify Fee Setup
- College
- Payment Type
- Payment Type
- Title
- Amount
- Tax CGST%
- Tax SGST%
Attribute>> Notification Variable
Configuration>> Setup attributes >>Notification Variable
Setup Notification
Configuration>> Setup Notification>>Manage Notification
Create Notification
- Company
- Notification Name: It will come from Attribute>> Notification
- Recipient To
- Recipient CC
- Subject
- Template Name: This need to be added in code then it will come here in dropdown
- Enable SMS
- SMS Content: This must be Approved in DLT with Sender ID which is added in Attribute>> Notification Variable
- Marketing>>Template Manager>>Template List(s)
Template Name
Template Type: Choose template types like One pager, Header, Footer or Body.
Template Body
Marketing>> Manage Campaign
- Create/Edit Campaigns: Need to fill up below sections
- Campaign Definition
- Template
- Recipient
- Schedule
- Review and Submit
1.Campaign Definition
- College
- Campaign Name
- Campaign Type:
- Email Subject: When you choose Email as your campaign type, then this field will be visible.
- Capture Analytics
- Enabled
2. Template
Template: Here three types of template are there.
Select from the system
My Custom HTML
Build New
Select from the system
- My Saved Template: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager
- Select Header: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager
- Select Body: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager
- Select Footer: The list will visible which has been added in Template Manager
- My Custom HTML
You can upload a custom HTML Page here.
Note:All JS and CSS files and Javascript will be removed from the uploaded custom file.
Allowed file type:HTML
Max File Size: 2MB
Create a customised template here which will not save further in the template manager.
3. Recipient
- Recipient Source: Registered User, Leads, Raw Leads - We can apply filters to filter the data and the output will display in the recipient list to use for marketing campaigns.
Email: We can add email manually to use for marketing campaigns.
SMS: We can add numbers manually to use for marketing campaigns.
- Recipient population:This will be visible while choosing “Registered lead, Leads, Raw Leads” in the recipient source.
4. Schedule
5. Review and Submit:Review the details before you submit.
- Marketing>>Recipient list
MCAP Setup
- Create/ Modify Mcap setup
- Mcap Title
- Activity Key
- Condition: It is a dependency field of activity key.
- Lead Point
- Counsellor Point
- Apply on Mass activity
- Callback Function Path: This function is used for future implementation.
PAL Setup