Follow these steps:
Step 1: Go that path where xampp server is install.
Step 2: click on xampp folder after that go in htdocs folder and double click on that.
Step 3: click on htdocs >> create_folder >> project name
For example: htdocs >> sremv3stage(folder name)
Step 4: Go inside Project folder(sremv3stage)>> right click on mouse and then open Git Bash Here.
Step 5: Go in Terminal After that you have to clone with repo.
Follow this command:
# git clone .
and press enter
Step 6: After cloning. You can see this type of screen
Step 7: Go inside Project folder
Step 8: Unzip the zip file provided by system admin and paste all files in the project folder and replace all.
Click on Replace the files in the destination on that folder all file will replace.
Step 9: Database provide by System Admin related project and start process
Step 10: Open shell terminal and follow thise command:
# mysql -u root -p
Step 11: After this process create database follow this command:
# create database db-name(nnps_stage); # exit
Step12: Import database:
Follow this command:
# mysql -u username -p database_name < path_to_mysql_file.sql
For example:
# mysql -u root -p sremv3stage < C:\Users\shash\Desktop\Ctpl-office\sremv3.sql
Step 13: Go on Browser put this url >> http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
Step 14: After that change in .env file, like that
Note: After this process open browser and put this url just like that
For Example: http://localhost/sremv3stage/public/
Open website on browser and then
After this process
Queue-Worker run on local System:- For SMS
Follow this command:-
# php artisan queue:work # Enter
After this show status on the screen